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Language adding


Please Fix Language to Dean's PC.






Hello Shaik M. Siddiqui
Your ticket has been successfully received and in progress we will get back to you soon through the below contact info

Name: Shaik M. Siddiqui
Phone Ext.:Male Campus
Problem Location: Continuing Education

YU help desk Team

Eng. Ahmed AlBosairy
HelpDesk Operations Manager
Ext. 3116


Dear Shaik

as i understood from your phone call that the desktop computer - keyboard in dean office the doesn't type in arabic.

to activate the arabic language on your keyboard please add it your text services and input languages to do that follow the instructions listed below :

1 - go to control panel ---> region and language

2 - go to keyboards and languages and click on ---> change keyboard

3 - go to general and click on the ---> ADD button to add your desired language

4- select the language and open the keyboard boxes and a drop list of the language format (101) (102) check in the box to add it and then click ok then apply all the way back to the first window you opened.

5- you have now successfully add your languages to the keyboard layout.

note: you switch between languages on your keyboard by simply pricing on Alt and then shift to change . if want to change it back repeat the same steps and it will take you to your first language.

Best Reagreds,

Mohammed Al-Saheb

IT - Department
Technical Support Specialist

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Article details
Article ID: 12
Category: Knowledgebase
Date added: 20-10-15 10:10am
Views: 3656
Rating (Votes): Article rated 2.6/5.0 (10)

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